1 | Lucifer's position
1 | Lucifer's position (1/5)
1 | Lucifer's position (2/5)
1 | Lucifer's position (3/5)
1 | Lucifer's position (4/5)
1 | Lucifer's position (5/5)
2 | Isaiah 14:12-14
2 | Isaiah 14:12-14 (1/4)
2 | Isaiah 14:12-14 (2/4)
2 | Isaiah 14:12-14 (3/4)
2 | Isaiah 14:12-14 (4/4)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (1/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (2/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (3/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (4/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (5/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (6/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (7/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (8/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (9/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (10/11)
3 | Lucifer begins a confrontation with God against his law (11/11)
4 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer
4 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (1/4)
4 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (2/4)
4 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (3/4)
4 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (4/4)
5 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer
6 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer
7 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer
7 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (1/3)
7 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (2/3)
7 | Since the controversy took place within the spirit of Lucifer (3/3)
8 | How did the self-deception come into the human being?
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (1/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (2/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (3/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (4/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (5/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (6/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (7/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (8/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (9/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (10/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (11/12)
9 | The needs of the spirit and their satisfaction (12/12)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (1/7)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (2/7)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (3/7)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (4/7)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (5/7)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (6/7)
10 | Due to the change in identity, nothing can function properly anymore (7/7)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people?
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (1/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (2/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (3/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (4/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (5/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (6/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (7/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (8/9)
11 | Why is identity the decisive element for people? (9/9)
12 | All babies are born by the law of inheritance only with this connection
12 | All babies are born by the law of inheritance only with this connection (1/2)
12 | All babies are born by the law of inheritance only with this connection (2/2)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (1/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (2/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (3/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (4/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (5/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (6/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (7/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (8/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (9/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (10/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (11/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (12/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (13/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (14/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (15/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (16/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (17/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (18/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (19/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (20/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (21/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (22/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (23/24)
13 | In order to save man, God creates a new connection (24/24)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (1/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (2/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (3/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (4/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (5/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (6/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (7/8)
14 | God offers man this new connection in exchange for the old one (8/8)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (1/7)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (2/7)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (3/7)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (4/7)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (5/7)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (6/7)
15 | The interests of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (7/7)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (1/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (2/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (3/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (4/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (5/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (6/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (7/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (8/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (9/10)
16 | The method of God and Satan in the battle for mankind (10/10)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end?
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (1/7)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (2/7)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (3/7)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (4/7)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (5/7)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (6/7)
17 | What are the conditions for the battle to come to an end? (7/7)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (1/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (2/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (3/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (4/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (5/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (6/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (7/8)
18 | The final crisis is brought about by deception (8/8)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (1/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (2/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (3/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (4/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (5/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (6/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (7/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (8/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (9/10)
19 | In this crisis, it finally becomes clear to whom the heart is bound (10/10)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (1/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (2/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (3/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (4/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (5/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (6/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (7/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (8/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (9/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (10/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (11/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (12/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (13/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (14/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (15/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (16/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (17/18)
20 | Love and the false copy of it, egoism/selfishness (18/18)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (1/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (2/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (3/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (4/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (5/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (6/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (7/8)
21 | Our actions will reveal our motivation (8/8)